Tuesday 26 June 2012

Electronic Paper Screen

Hey everyone....did you see the Harry potter of course yes a child in mother's womb also heard of it and eager to come out and watch. So in Harry potter first thing that we notice unique and amazed by it was the  wizarding and unbelievable newspaper called  "daily prophet". The moving pictures and the characters talking an imaginary screen but a newspaper how awesome is that...but this movie thing is gonna come true upcoming future. It will update news itself like cloud stuff going on now which updates cloud based devices. This electronic paper will use flexible screen to fold like a newspaper. The scientist are working on it and will come in the next years. Nano technology  will give it more rise. Full video integration is the obvious next step, and as tablet prices fall, it’s likely newspapers will soon be fully eradicated from their current form.  Deforestation will decrease. 

It will be a huge step forward in communication as well as to save the environment.

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